What is the Pollution Reduction Plan (PRP)?

In Pennsylvania, Small Municpal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4) must apply for National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit Coverage (PAG 13) if they are located in an Urbanized Area. Upper Allen Township is located completely within an urbanized area, and also completely lies within the Chesapeake Bay Watershed. The 2018 NPDES Permit requires that any regulated MS4 that discharge surface waters impaired for certain pollutants and/or that discharge to waters in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed are required to develop a Pollutant Reduction Plan (PRP).

The purpose of our PRP is to satisfy the 2018 NPDES Permit requirements, ultimately with the goal of reducing the three specific pollutants (sediment, phosphorus, and nitrogen) from being discharged to the local receiving waters. Our Townships plan will focus on the impaired local surface waters first, and then it will be determined if the Best Management Practices (BMPs) proposed in those storm sewersheds will be be sufficient to meet the overall pollutant reduction requirements.

The PRP is an unfunded Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) mandate.

2023 PRP Updates

The Township’s Pollutant Reduction Plan is being updated with new projects that better meet the pollutant reduction requirements of our MS4 permit, and the updated plan can be viewed in full here, or at the Township office on request. The project adjustments are as follows: 


Spring Run Drive Bioswale


Mount Allen Park BIoswale

Aspen Park Water Quality Basin

Creekstone Water Quality Basin

The Township plans to hold a public hearing regarding these changes on September 20th, 2023 starting at 6:00 P.M at the Upper Allen Township Municipal Building. We will be taking public comments on the updated PRP Plan during the meeting, in addition to a 30 day written comment period starting on August 17th, 2023. If you would like to leave a comment, please click the button below and fill out the form. If you would like more information on the public hearing, please see the following notice

Leave a Public Comment 

2021 PRP Projects

The Canterbury Estates stormwater basin

This project was designed to standards that have become outdated compared to modern Act 167 and the Department of Environmental Protection model stormwater ordinances. The Canterbury Estates Water Quality Basin project involves the modification of the existing detention basin outlet structure to improve the facility’s ability to reduce the peak rate of stormwater runoff downstream, increase the stormwater retention volume, and inclusion of water quality enhancement features. A significant amount of stormwater runoff currently bypasses the stormwater facility and creates flooding conditions downstream. A secondary earthen berm was constructed downstream of the existing detention basin to manage stormwater runoff from an expanded drainage area. The secondary facility will reduce the total sediment, nitrogen, and phosphorus pollutant loads currently being discharged downstream.

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2022 PRP Projects

McCormick Park bank regrading and stabilization

This project required a General Permit for Bank Rehabilitation (GP-3) and will be graded from the overbank and stabilized with erosion matting and native vegetation. This will lower stream bank slopes, and provide erosion control to protect stream banks from excess erosion that causes sedimentation down stream. Proposed plantings or live staking would be utilized to encourage further stabilization and habitat creation. Additional coordination with DEP outside of the scope of this study is recommended to confirm that this minor bank work would be applicable towards the load reduction requirements of the township’s PRP prior to moving forward.

This stream restoration is set to begin in early April of 2022, and will prevent approximately 8,976 pounds per year of sediment from  being transported downstream. 

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The Spring Run stream restoration project 

This project will establish floodplain benches, Encourages the creation of wetlands and habitat, and will serve as an aesthetic enhancement of the waterway. 659 linear feet of actively eroding banks will be restored to significantly reduce the pollutant load being transported downstream (see cross-section below). Excess sediment deposited in the historic floodplain areas will be removed to re-establish floodplain benches. The floodplain benches will serve to reduce stormwater flow velocities and shear stresses during high flow events and allow for native vegetation to be reestablished. 

This stream restoration is set to begin in early April of 2022, and will prevent approximately 30,294 pounds per year of sediment from being transported downstream.

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